About the Role
You are representing the Kirk helping at concert events which usually happen in the evenings on Fridays and Saturdays or the occasional Sunday. Usually there is an interval half way through the concert. During the 20 minutes interval break, a team of volunteers serve the public teas and coffees. Tokens are purchased before the audience reach the serving counter. There is usually a team of three or four people. You will use disposable cups etc so there is minimum washing-up on completion. As you are representing the Kirk with your duties a good standard of dress and bearing is required and you will be required to wear a name badge.
Tasks Involved
You will be part of a team that prepares refreshments before the concert starts. This involves getting out disposable cups, sugar and milk jugs. Orange juice (and water jugs) are also available and supplied to the performers in their changing rooms. The busy period is during the interval when refreshments are served. Once the second half of a concert has started and equipment has been tidied away, you are free to leave or stay until the concert has completed.
When and Where
Times are specified beforehand but usually start at 18.45 with the interval at 20.15 and finish by 21.30 latest. The place of work is Greyfriars Kirk and the kitchen is in the main sanctuary.
Time Commitment
2-3 hours, as required and arranged by the Operations Manager
Minimum Age for Role
Requires PVG?
Volunteer Coordinator Steve Lister
Contact Phone 0131 225 1900
Contact Email
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